Wednesday, January 5, 2011

It's a...

GIRL!!! Haha! Who would have guessed? Apparently not very many readers of this blog. I sort of had an inkling (I promise--ask Rob). But I refused to tell anyone, because so many people had said things like, "Awww..maybe it's a girl this time" or "I hope it's a girl...for your sake." And I was so afraid that if I shared my gut-feeling, and then it turned out to be a boy, I would have a whole load of sympathizers who would think I was in mourning.

I wouldn't have mourned, but Rob and I are both excited that we have a new challenge. And John is beside himself--ready to buy pink. Poor child wants someone in this house to be girly. Know what he wanted Reid to wear for Halloween? A flower costume. Next October, I won't have to say no to him. Yay!

Just in case anyone is wondering, my friend Amber was totally right about how to conceive a girl. I looked for her post, but it is apparently so old that it is archived away. It's called the Shettles method--the further before ovulation, the greater chance it is a girl. I tried that method with Reid, and never could get pregnant. So, I quit the planning and scheming--and got pregnant the first month. At the time, I just figured God didn't want me to have a girl. Now, I know He just wanted me to have Reid first, and then a girl! If anyone is wondering how far before ovulation you need to do the deed, try my way--so far away that you actually shouldn't get pregnant. That's right. We weren't trying. There was a 0% chance. Oh, I'm sure it's 0.000_something, but it's a really low chance. We were trying NOT to, but I wasn't on the pill because I had such a problem keeping my milk. Yeah, so there's another thing--I was nursing. SOOoooooo. My suggestion is to try NOT to conceive, and nurse a baby, and then you'll get a girl! It's called the God-method.


  1. Congratulations...So happy for you!

  2. YAY!!! So what's the first girly thing you're going to buy? :) People go crazy shopping for girls!

  3. Actually, I've bought something already. I was on Gap-online to get some maternity shirts, and grabbed a Halloween onesie for next year. What can I say? It was on sale! Plus, I didn't think that would be something I'd get at a shower. Trying to be smart, or I'll get carried away.

  4. Hey Girl - SO happy for you... So, we were using Amber's method to have a "girl" and well, we have Daniel! I should not have gotten pregnant with him when I did according to my, I TOTALLY agree, it is a GOD thing! Again, thrilled for you!
