This is actually the night before. We stayed at Fort Wilderness, where they have a free campfire activity. Dede is helping John roast some not-so-free marshmallows for some $mores. (Next time we'll be prepared with ingredients of our own.)
John taste-tests his culinary skills.

John meets Dale--his first Disney character! See how in-love he is?

Day 1: we start at Epcot. Here's the fam in front of one of Disney's famous topiaries. Reid's first nap of the day (there were many each day, due to the heat).

John and Jasmine had a conversation about what they enjoy doing (John likes to play outside; Jasmine likes magic-carpet rides). I think he's smitten. But notice that Reid is angling for his brother's woman. He's got her finger and he ain't lettin' go.

John investigates exactly how big Bruce's mouth is.

Next we went to Hollywood Studios, where we saw... Buzz!!!! One of John's favorites. He stood in line for a long time. I have no clue whether he was patient--Reid needed a snack. (Little chunk ate a TON--I guess because of the heat?) John also enjoyed the Toy Story ride there.

I love this pic. John's face is priceless. This was his first parade--the Block Party at Hollywood Studios.

Ah--the beginning of it all. Mickey the Mouse! This was at Chef Mickey's. Spectacular buffet, and lots of time with the core characters.

John's first favorite: Goofy.

Here's John swinging his napkin and dancing in his chair, as all the characters would do at regular intervals. Where else can you do that but Mickey's place? (Certainly not at home!)